Exhibition "Into one's mind" presented by the RPZ collective of which Mathie Laborie is the co-founder.
Curator : Bruno Dubreuil
Vernissage on Saturday 29th February from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm., open every day of the week, between 2.00 pm and 6.00 pm, by appointment (bookings contact: collectif.rpz@gmail.com). 49 Avenue Jean Jaurès, Aubervilliers, four way metro.
"If literature has been able to give a convincing form to the inner monologue (Beckett, Joyce), it does not have the spatial means that are those of the plastic arts. For these have the power to deploy or concentrate space while escaping temporal succession. What we are looking for here is an artistic form capable of reflecting the extraordinary versatility of psychic activity. Representing what happens in our brain. Including: the fragile scaffolding of thought, the incessant inner chatter as well as the moments of stasis, the parasiting of thoughts between them and the richness that results from it, the recollection to the point of stammering, stammering meaning. And again, the points of contact between two intelligences, as well as the confinement in its mental structure. Can you picture that???
Ten artists, ten propositions as intertwined as our thoughts are. The exhibition as a pathway between each one's neurons. Friend spectator, come and connect your own."