"Des Feux comme des Aurores" is an exhibition bringing together artists whose work, and more specifically its conception (mental, formal), seems to be driven by a common logic: perpetual movement, the constant mutation of bodies, the indeterminacy of form and the desire for fulfilment devoted by matter to it. The works presented, all full of strength and contained momentum, are living, vibrating forms, animated by a breath, a presence, and take an assumed look at their origins and their future. We find in them the passion of the genesis that saw their birth, the certain sensitivity that expresses the emergence of a force more than the rigour of a form. They give a sense of movement as active energy, the thought that animates and accompanies them as work in progress and as an open building site in continuous gestation.
This exhibition wants to reveal a certain metamorphic sensibility, it speaks of a cosmic, organic imaginary, of the transformation and mutation of things as a dynamic of creation. Thus, in some artists one can easily guess a fascination for chaos as an original magma where an indeterminate power awaits form, symbol par excellence of the desire for transformation. This fascination is exalted by what appears to be a real battle engaged by the artist, illustrating the perpetual battle of conquest and domination of order over disorder, of form over formlessness and vice versa. This battle is similar to the one we all wage in the inconstancy of our feelings and thoughts. It is a question here of denying the invariable, of showing the toil and the impulse through which thought proceeds.
The logic that prevails, therefore, is that of the transmission and alteration of forms within work, whether by reference to reality, to history, to one's own personal history, to that of art: that of one's own work. Also, one can read in it past references that artists call upon for what they are, figures of time, perpetual beginnings of the future, that we observe and that seem to carry within them the answers to the age-old questions, as beautiful as the work of their author: Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?
Esteban Neveu Ponce
From March 02, 2021 to April 04, 2021.
Palais des Beaux-Arts, 13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris. Metro: Saint-Germain des Prés (line 4)
With Giacomo Cerlesi, Florentine Charon, Idir Davaine, Fabien Ducrot, Eléonore False, Moritz Karweick, Hanna Maxi Schumacher, Esteban Neveu Ponce, Julien Prévieux, Philipp Röcker and Tristan Ulysses Hutgens.
Curator : Esteban Neveu Ponce